Chicago Alliance
of Visual Artists
November 7, 2023–January 5, 2024
Artists' Reception:
Thursday, November 16, 4:00–7:00 p.m.

Renaissance Court Gallery Hours:
Monday–Friday. 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Closed Saturdays and Sundays
Concurrent Artist Talks:
November 2, November 30, December 7
3:00–4:00 p.m.
CAVA artists will present and discuss their work
on display in the gallery, and talk about their creative process and approach to art making.
All artist talk events are free and open to the public.
Best of Show — $500
3 Awards of Excellence — $200
3 Honorable Mentions
Brad Freeman, artist and founder of the
Journal of Artists' Books
Darlys Ewoldt, metalsmith artist and instructor at
Lill Street Studios and Evanston Art Center.
Please CLICK HERE to volunteer to help with artwork drop-off
and pick-up days, or to assist at the reception and artist talk events.
Drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, collage, photography, fiber art, 3-D/sculpture/ceramics that can be wall hung or on a pedestal provided by the artist.
This exhibit is open to artists 50 and over. You must also be a member of CAVA. There is no specific theme, but work must have been completed within the past 2 years (no earlier than 1/1/2021).
CAVA members may submit up to two works. Entry fee is $30.
Non-members may enter for $30, but must also pay CAVA's annual membership fee of $50.
All fees are payable via PayPal. Use the button here to complete payment.
1. All work must meet professional presentation standards.
2. 2-D work must be framed or gallery wrapped, wired, and ready for wall mounting. No alligator/sawtooth hangers.
3. 2-D work must not exceed 45 inches, in either direction INCLUDING THE FRAME.
4. 3-D work must either be:
>> A) Wired and ready for wall mounting. Wall-mounted pieces should not exceed 45 inches in height or width, and 8 inches in depth and not exceed 25 pounds, OR
>> B) Mounted on a pedestal that artist supplies. Supplied pedestal must be able to be moved by 1 person.
5. Work must have been completed after 1/1/2021.
6. Work may not have been shown in any previous CAVA art shows.
1. Use CAVA's EntryThingy online application below to enter your work.
2. Digital images should be 1500 pixels wide in the longer dimension in jpg format.
3. Online submission deadline: October 15 at 11:59 p.m.
4. Use the PayPal button here to pay the $30 Member entry fee,
OR if needed the $80 non member entry fee
($50 membership + $30 entry fee)
Or mail a check payable to CAVA to:
CAVA, LI 2023 c/o Susan Bennett, 257 Lockwood Avenue, Northfield, IL 60093
IDENTIFICATION OF WORK: Affix a label on the back of your work with artist's name, title, and price.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: October 15 at 11:59 p.m.
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTED ARTWORK: Monday, October 23, 2023 by by 11:59 p.m.
DROP OFF: Monday November 6, 2023, from 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
EXHIBIT OPENS: Tuesday November 7, 2023
ARTISTS' RECEPTION: Thursday, November 16, 2023, from 4:00–7:00 p.m.
FINAL DAY OF EXHIBITION: Friday, January 5, 2024
ARTWORK PICK UP: Monday, January 8, 2024, from 11:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Artists are responsible for timely delivery and pick up.
All work left beyond the pick up date is subject to a $10 daily storage fee & uninsured.
Liabilities and Responsibilities: Submission of work for this exhibit will be construed as acceptance of all conditions set forth in the Call for Entry. CAVA reserves the right to not display work that does not meet exhibition standards or the terms of this CFE. Reasonable precautions will be taken to safeguard artists' work from damage; however, neither CAVA nor Renaissance Court, the Chicago Cultural Center, and City of Chicago nor its supporters, volunteers, subcontractors, nor any of the participating agencies or businesses will be responsible for the loss or damage of artwork for any reason. CAVA requires that all exhibitors sign a release form; forms will be available at the drop-off location and may also be downloaded from wearecava.org.
Artwork Sales and Commissions: CAVA will provide to Renaissance Court a price list for all pieces of Artwork on display in the Exhibition. CAVA will handle sales of artwork sold during the exhibition dates. They will collect sales tax on the sales price and remit to the artist the sales proceeds less collected tax and a 4% service fee. Please price your work accordingly.
Drop off and pick up location/instructions for ACCEPTED WORK:
To drop off work, enter North Garland Court, the alley just west of the Chicago Cultural Center and Michigan Avenue. You must turn left from Randolph Street due to one-way traffic. There will be people there to accept your work and release form.
Pick up artwork at the Renaissance Court Gallery, inside the Cultural Center.
TO SHIP your work, contact Show Manager, Susan Bennett, at info@wearecava.org for instructions.