Chicago Alliance
of Visual Artists
Call for Entries NOW CLOSED
November 8, 2024–January 12, 2025
Artists' Opening Reception: November 8, 2024
3636 South Iron Street, Chicago, IL 60609
Jurors/Curators: Kimberly Oliva of Oliva Gallery and
Gosia Korsakowski of Architectural Anarchy, Co-founders of ALMA Art & Interiors.
CAVA artists are encouraged to submit for consideration artwork in all media that reflects the complex issues and interpretations shaping our rapidly changing world. Work can explore personal or cultural identity; offer critiques of social and institutional structures; or even attempt to redefine art itself. Alma curators are open to artwork that presents thought-provoking questions, without necessarily providing easy answers. Artists should explore and attempt to trigger curiosity, conversation, and an open mind. Debate or dialogue are the best tools with which to approach a work of contemporary art.
Media accepted: drawing, painting, printmaking, mixed media, collage, photography, fiber art, multimedia, sculpture, and ceramics (ALMA Art and Interiors provides pedestals for 3D work).
Exhibiting artists are eligible for the following prizes:
• Best of Show $200
• 3 Awards of Excellence $100
• 3 Honorable Mentions Blick Gift Cards
ELIGIBILITY: This exhibit is open to artists 50 and over. You must also be a member of CAVA.
ENTRY FEES: CAVA members may submit up to 5 works. Entry fee is $30.
Non-members may enter up to 5 works for $30, but must also pay CAVA's annual membership fee of $50, for a total of $80. All fees are payable using the PayPal button below under "How to Enter."
Entry fees are not refundable, and acceptance into the show is not guaranteed.
1. All work must meet professional presentation standards. NO SAW-TOOTH HANGERS PERMITTED.
2. ALMA Art and Interiors will provide pedestals for free-standing work.
3. A label MUST be included on all artwork with artist's name, phone number, title, and price.
HOW TO ENTER / This entry is now CLOSED
1. Artists may enter up to 5 pieces using CAVA's EntryThingy online application below.
2. Digital images should be 1500 pixels wide in the longer dimension in jpg format.
3. Online submission deadline: Friday, February 23, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.
4. Use the PayPal button here to pay for the entry fee, and if needed, the $50 membership.
Entrants may also mail a check payable to CAVA/Chicago Alliance Of Visual Arts to:
CAVA Contemporary, c/o Susan Bennett, 257 Lockwood Avenue, Northfield, IL 60093.
ALMA will select work by March 22, 2024.
ALMA may choose to select between 0-3 pieces per artist; acceptance into the show is not guaranteed.
ALMA will use images of selected work from EntryThingy to promote and sell work via art fairs and online between April and September, 2024. Artists retain the actual work between the acceptance date and the artwork drop-off date, and may sell it on their own during this time. ALMA will contact artists if additional photographs are needed.
ARTWORK SALES AND COMMISSIONS: ALMA Art and Interiors will take a 50% commission. ALMA Art and Interiors shall pay the Artist all proceeds due to the Artist within thirty days of payment from ALMA client point of sale.
ALMA will work with the artist to transfer art to a buyer who purchases online or at an art fair before the installation in Chicago, and remit the sales fee to the artist.
If selected art is sold by artists before the drop-off date, artist will inform ALMA. No replacements are needed from artists for work they sell outside of ALMA. If any art selected sells BEFORE the show installation, either by artists or by ALMA, it will NOT be in the physical gallery show in Chicago.
CAVA PRIZES: ALMA curators will select the CAVA prize winners between September 15 and November 1 from
both the digital submissions and the actual art dropped off at the gallery. Any art that has sold before the
installation dates and will not be hung in the gallery will still be eligible for prizes. Prize winners will be
announced at the reception on November 8, 2024.
DEADLINE TO SUBMIT: Friday February 23, 2024, 11:59 p.m.
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTED ARTWORK: Wednesday, March 24, 2024 by 11:59 p.m.
EXHIBITION LOCATION: ALMA Art and Interiors, 3636 South Iron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60609
>> Sunday, September 1 during regular gallery hours from 12:00-5:00 p.m.
>> Monday, September 2–Saturday, September 7 by appointment.
Call ALMA Art and Interiors at 847-922-5736 to set up a date/time.
INSTALLATION: ALMA to install starting September 1, after drop-off. Installation will be complete by September 15.
EXHIBIT OPENS: Open for viewing September 15, 2024, during normal gallery hours:
Sunday, 9/1 12–5pm Wednesday, 9/4 10am–2pm
Thursday, 9/5 10am–3pm Sunday, 9/8 12–5pm
>> All other hours by appointment by calling ALMA Art and Interiors at
ARTISTS' RECEPTION and AWARDS CEREMONY: November 8, 2024, 5:00–9:00 p.m.
Concurrent Events during the exhibition run:
CAVA's Annual Intergenerational Event: November 21, 2024 from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
CAVA Annual Business Luncheon: December 5, 2024, 11:30–2:00 p.m.
Additional events to be announced!
FINAL DAY OF EXHIBITION: Thursday, January 12, 2025.
>> January 13, 2025, from 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
>> January 16, 2025, 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Appointments to pick up art may be made outside of these times by calling ALMA at 847-922-5736 to make arrangements. Artists are responsible for on-time delivery and pick up of their art. All work left beyond the pick-up date is subject to a $10 daily storage fee.
LIABILITIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Submission of work for this exhibit will be construed as acceptance of all conditions set forth in the Call for Entry. CAVA and ALMA Arts and Interiors reserve the right not to display work that does not meet exhibition standards or the terms of this CFE. Reasonable precautions will be taken to safeguard artists' work from damage; however, neither CAVA nor ALMA Art and Interiors, nor its supporters, volunteers, subcontractors, nor any of the participating agencies or businesses will be responsible for the loss or damage of artwork for any reason. CAVA requires that all exhibitors sign a release form; forms will be available at the drop-off location and may also be downloaded here before the artwork drop-off date and brought to the drop-off